Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1st Sure-Reach Dinner 2010

2010 must be moving as fast as the Tiger . There seem to be so many things to do at one go in such little time :( . Anyhow , I managed to organised SR dinner - its a first time ever in 5 years .. so I was glad that I managed to materialised it for everyone . Its not fancy but just nice to celebrate and have fun . Picture speaks a thousand words and I'm sharing some snapshots from the Dinner . From the crown and the centerpiece that I made myself to all the contestants of various performances . All is well and I am satisfied :) .

The Canteen Transformation

The Deejays

PJY Branch Performance

"Miss" Sure-Reach Contestant
Miss" Sure-Reach Winner
The Crown
The Details
The Centerpiece
Sure-Reach Idol Contestant Sure-Reach

Sure-Reach Idol Winner
Idol Winner Jacket

Gay Lovers