Friday, November 6, 2015

Don't Give Up

No one will ever remember anything that you do . It just doesn't work like that . If its telling , it will always be self-pity . How very sad . No one sees your struggle except for yourself . End of the day , the focus is not there .  They say your medical condition ties back to your diet and not exercising , is it true ? How about stress ? Hmm wait that's self-pity . The throbbing pain on my chest continuously now must be due to my  self-pity I supposed .Its always "something is wrong with you" . Why isn't there any mirror to reflect? It's ok , I will just walk this life as how it takes me . Its the Karma that has been written . Nothing much can be done . Do it until it kills you . Don't give up and believe that Love will guide you . Love You Baba .

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Appa 1st April 2015

Dearest Appa , its your birthday today .

We silently celebrate it ;
and prayed you are happy ..
wherever you are at,
under dearest Baba's care.

A present we have for you ,
in your favorite colour in bright red .
We placed it for you to see or may even wear it when you visit us in our dreams.

We missed you every night and day ,
Not an inch less, but more than the sea breeze,
We grow loving you more each day,
Thinking of you and the memories .

Come into our dreams Appa.
Let us see you
Hear you
Hug you

Happy Birthday Appa.

With love as red as the bright red rose ♥ on 1st April 2015.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015


Hi Folks! Yes...Another “real” tamil movie for us (by us, I mean me J ) action specific movie lovers. And the winner, (so far for new tamil released movies for year 2015) goes to “THALA” Ajith Kumar. (Please do whistle or clap as you read to bring in the mood of cinema tamil movie goers – and don’t be shy!)

The title, YENNAI ARINDHAAL, loosely translated as “IF YOU KNOW ME” or should it rather be “IF YOU KNEW ME” , kinda send the message loud and clear of the main character - Sathyadev played by Ajith Kumar .
Theres 3 specific segments here:

Young Sathyadev – driven by the “itch” to revenge the tragic and innocent death of his father, sathyadev was made to choose between a very fine line in becoming a gangster or police officer, he in the end chooses the good side with the help of his father’s words to do things, “with all your heart” and all good things will fall into place.

Sathyadev – The Cop – Being a police means inviting danger in your own backyard – well for this case specifically his own house. While throughout in his “I am not corrupted police attire”, Sathayadev have busted one too many gangsters ring and eliminated a few (if not killed, thrown in jail to be another convict’s punching bag).
The ISP, also shows (well of course they blend this in as well!) a very human nature in him and this was brought to life by Trisha ( Hemanika )  and throughout this movie she is ever so enchanting being portrayed as modest in beauty – a great change with the ever boob bearing actresses (for almost all bollywood and kollywood movies cheap attempt to pull in crowd) . Hemanika has a child from her previous marriage and Sathyadev instantly consider Esha ( Hemanika’s daughter ) as his own. Despite the arrangement of marriage that was set to be held the next day and with a specific heart wrenching line said by Hemanika on that night – “You have taken half of me and I want you to take me fully” – in reference of her giving Esha to be under Sathyadev’s care, and he to bring Esha along when they exchanged vows the next day. This never happened as the very next day on their supposedly wedding day, the “groom” received shocking news of his bride to be and her father was brutally murdered with multiple slashes (An obvious form of revenge directed towards the policeman, which then made him wonder WHO the killer was for many years to come)

Sathyadev- The Dotting Dad – There will be a specific self-realization and worry that will makes a man change and drop everything just to make sure the person with him is always safe and out of danger, and in this case , it was Esha , the 6 year old girl who became his child. This proves to shows the element of love and bond does exist and without any specific blood ties, people can be family after all. This part of the “father-daughter relationship” throughout this movie moves the audience’s emotion (ok fine I cried, not once, but many times, I admit).
It was beautiful. So just imagine a lioness and if anyone disturbs her cubs... Yes that was it! Die or be Killed (Ahem) – That’s how protective Sathyadev was towards his daughter. And to mess the whole situation, Esha was kidnapped when Sathyadev stumbled into a kidnap/organ harvesting ring while helping to rescue his friend’s daughter. Well of course they pushed in Anushka  Shetty as Thenmozhi ( pronounce as Thenmoli)  into the scene for this climax being the target of the ring who’s heart seems to matched one of the clients who is willing to pay few million crores( filthy right bugger!)  But of course they ended the movie in a very “expected” manner with Esha being rescued and Thenmozhi still gazing with twinkled-eyes at Sathyadev (this was made very obvious throughout the movie – well the element of romance)

Overall: This movie is action-pack thriller. Less music (very very less – which is good!). Logical storyline. Good Line up of actors and by that I mean even Vijay Anand (Victor in the movie) did hell of a good job in this – being the perfect villain who also brutally murdered Hemanika  . This is a perfect comeback movie for him. Vivek is in as well and never fall short with intelligent comedy.
I need to apologize for all Rajinikanth and Vikram as this is by far the best Tamil movie released for year 2015. Looks like I’ll be going back soon to the cinema to watch this again AND again and …sorry folks , no more second viewing for me for “Lingaa” and  “I” movie after this , storing these two movie at the back of the storeroom . No artificial makeovers please. Thala rocks!

LINGAA - Movie Review

Posting this late .. but why not right :)

The much awaited movie which is said to be equivalent (if not the best) from Rajinikanth’s previous hit – Bashaa have been released!  Released on 12th December (obviously they chose the “thalaiva’s” date of birth!).
The movie starts off with a song with straight line of rib/belly bearing hot chicks from god knows where donned in a skimpy, teeny weeny leather suit (Much to the delight of the audience who started whistling even before Rajini even appeared!- this is also called as eye-candy)
Ok now the storyline – There was a small village called Solaiyur , where Lingaa’s grandparents and parents are originated from . As the flashback shows (yes flashback!) Solaiyur was suffering from severe drought.

But before the discovery of the village’s condition, there was a prince name Raja Lingeswaran who was at that time was very educated and by education was an engineer was serving in the British army. He made his usual rounds and knew that he need to help the people of Solaiyur (all heroes have this heroic criteria of helping the needy, ahem), Next, during the meeting (some sort of meeting with the ministers within the British goverment), Raja Lingeswaran proposes that the village need to build a Dam (and mind you this is after he witness an entire family jumped inside a dried well through his binoculars- some crazy shait). The family committed suicide as they do not have any food and supplies to sustain their growing family. British refuses to help and so Raja Lingeswaran used his own money and with the help of the entire village constructed the entire dam (again in stress that he was by education a certified engineer).

The usual took a turn – the dam was constructed, the villagers were very rich and had full resources to man their own crop and entire living with the help of the dam as it provided never ending source of water, but yes the twist! (They call it intermission in most tamil movies), Raja Lingeswaran was thrown out of the village and live a life of a common man (How ungrateful!)
Anyway, back in the real age, Lingaa is the decendant of Raja Lingeswaran (note that his name is Lingaa – which is short for Lingeswaran – he was named after his grand daddy). He was summoned to go back and help as there was a very evil MP (as we expected- the villain!)  Who wants to get the benefit from the dam that was previously constructed by Lingaa’s engineer grand pappy. So yeah – corruption happen since those days. Initially reluctant to help – as he was a very “talented thief” in the city, he did agree ‘finally” after seeing the hot and spicy belly bearing Anushka who bail him out from jail wearing saree (yeah they can’t resist that)
Entire storyline was interesting BUT... Yeah the BUT. It wasn’t as what everyone expected to be, the way it was done fall short of expectation, there wasn’t any UHMPH impact as in Bashaa. but I’m sure Rajini is not going to complaint much as within 3 days the movie raked in 34 crores – which is equivalent to RM 18 million(gulp!- I won’t be able to see that much in my entire lifetime ) . 
All in all, it is still a good watch especially during this rainy season and all hail thalaiva!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Nivey's First Day of Kindy 12th Jan 2015 !!!!

This was taken  in December 23rd 2010  !

Oh how time flies!!  1st day of Kindy for my baby Nivey. Whoa!!!

Study well baby boy .!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

K-Pop and Hijab , Hijab and K-Pop

This is nothing new . Many a time I have vocally said that those with hijab are at times not portraying why they are in hijab . So if they decide to be in hijab , their characters and the main upholding of Islam need to be consistent to what they are following . The words and what they say should also not be of lies and that would hurt anyone. So again I stressed that before anyone judge that those not in hijab are of those condemned to "hell" as usually the so-called Islamic hijab bearing people tend to cast the judgement upon , please understand that actions of a person is also taken into consideration and I would want to stress this aswell ..the attire that one donned need to be in sync with their religious belief . Anyone can hate me after this statement that I have vocally point out , but as always the truth does hurt especially when you cant accept the fact. 
Do enlightened me what I witness daily a tight legged pants and body hugging bearing tops that shows voluptous 360° image in more that 5 dimension with a finishing of an elegantly covered hijab just on top of ones breast and this full clothes kpopper covered from head to toe being hugged and kissed by k pop artists .. so which is better ?
Looks like both not upholding the Islamic teaching that they so much preached about .
Food for thought . Do ponder upon it.It may serve some truths in it .Maybe those who are not wearing their hijab are much better as at least they would take one step at a time learning the divinity of Islam rather than covering for sake of fashion sense since it HAS become a trend of some sort and a business persay with many artises covering then boom pop up the hijab businesses. At least those muslim without hijab are more gunuine and "real" and not having to lie their way  .
By the way , netizen should stop blaming the kpop group about molesting the girls .. does the girls look as if they were crying for help ? They look happy and I wouldnt be surprised they would go home and and tell their other hijab wearing friends.."Omg !!He hugged me ..and from behind too ! and kiss my forehead!.. Im never gonna shower now! " 

It's still clear!

It's 12.24 am ..and the sky is still clear . Thank you divine power .

 — feeling blessed with divinity of Sabarimalai.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The King of Hearts

From the time I woke up today till now , my heart and mind keep thinking of you and I keep wondering why ? 😥
How I miss you APPA . I know you are up there watching over us. Our King of Hearts

Happiest People!

SPOT ON.! It could also be the thing you choose to follow based on your divine faith towards a better understanding and tolerance towards humanity :)

Tame Sky

The sky look "tame" and serenely beautiful.Took this while on the way visiting a friend down south . Thank you GOD. May today reduces the burden and help in rebuilding back some if not all the necessity needed for the nation flood victims. You are constantly in my prayer ♡♥♡♥

#flood #peace

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Paris Attack and an innocent life robbed because of a parking space that belongs to nobody

Just when everything seems to be slowly changing , a new year , human nature , weather , the world , the disasters that happened ; we are again being awaken by another uncalled barbaric and cowardly act of Islamic Extremist .

To my understanding of humanity and religion wise being someone who is still "green" unlike all those guru's and ustaz , to ensure the human community to survive and to be one with each other , it is to be tolerance . Without tolerance , we might just well be called animals . Why I say this is because , if we keep on resorting to killing and murdering each and every people we hate / dislike , will we win ? Is there a trophy at stake ? What do we really get out of this ? Inner peace ? Peace after another human died ? What if the situation is turned and YOU become the victim and the victim becomes the predator .. you would be begging till your final breath for mercy. Religious Tolerance is a must . Infact , I do not have to nag about it to make people understand .

Another tragedy which is so much closer to home happens to a person I personally know . I may not know him at a very personal level , but so far , my interaction and my encounter with him made me see him as someone who is always polite , humble and always smiles and who is a friend to my betterhalf . 
Stephen Joseph , is no stranger in the entertainment world. Just because of a parking space which belongs to no one , it apparently became the final reason , final day , final moment he being on earth .
This is too sad . Emotional Arrest causes this . Again it is "Tolerance" thats missing in the entire situation that happened .

In today's world , we do not have tolerance for anything unlike our fore fathers . We are becoming a very intolerable species , its becoming very disgusting . We need to change !Let's bring back being "tolerance" towards each other . Lets be human .

This is what we can together do . I got this from an article I read and I think its is really helpful for me  so I will share it with all of you  - so here goes :

1.Think about why you've been judgmental toward others in the past
2.Think of these people as just that--people.
3.Realize that there are plenty of intolerant people in this world
4.Be part of the solution
5.Stand up for others!

Religious Tolerance . Humanity Tolerance .