Yes..Yes I know .. its a tad bit early for me to start blogging , but that thing up there is too interesting to stop me from commenting on its existence .
You see , its not EVERYDAY we come across a transparent frog.And knowing about our "mad" scientists , they just have too much time in this world to look for see-through frogs .Under the pre-text of "endangered species " , this is how they discovered Mr Froggy .Froggy is so small , even smaller than a fingernail . Hmmm... they are so free to scrutinized something that small .. and it took them ages to discover Air France plane that crashed into the Atlantic ocean recently . Hey .. THIS IS a fair comparison you see as , Mr Froggy live deep inside the Ecuadorian forest . ( Pin in a haystack ...)
With all the tax payers money funding this research all the way to Ecuador , Im just wondering
if they would start ` creating ' the discovery of transparent human .Its a great idea though which I think will apply well to politicians .
Maybe when they start making ridiculous statement or idea , they can just look down and see their heart pumping blood in a rush out of lying and all their organs start going haywire with all the adrenaline rush .
Food for thought .... might be an excellent breakthrough for our wonderful world of science .