It doesn't seem to apply to anyone may it be for man or woman.
We are too modern to go through all this or even use this as a reason
when we are finally feeling bitter about the `experiences' we go through .
There are just two simple concept to any decision made and chose by us which
ends either with a YES or NO .If at 17 , you have already "decided" to marry a royalty - simple logic is money .
Lets do the math here :
1.In the olden age this is how it is calculated :
pretty+price charming = happily ever after and content with life
2. Today's calculation :
2. Today's calculation :
pretty+prince not so charming with fat wallet = taken care for life
3. Olden days business minded people :
3. Olden days business minded people :
mistress+prince charming = taken care for life with few offspring to carry on the name .
4. Today's business minded people :
4. Today's business minded people :
mistress+prince not so charming with fat wallet = luxury car , luxury condo , luxury watches , credit cardS , diamonds and gold , luxury cars for mistress family , luxury house for mistress family , taken care for life by ensuring prince charming 's wallet is slim and trim :D .
With a simple YES or NO , women specifically tend to get all the above mathematical calculation.
Its just a matter of choosing what type of calculation you want . So why question all the abuse if YES is chosen when naturally this is part of the `mystery gift ' after a long tiring shopping spree *wink*
If you still don't agree with me , lets ask the magic mirror "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
It answered:
"You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But beyond the mountains , the most greediest and the dumb-est is you."