A little political insight for all Malaysian Politicians.
Its no big deal if you have "a few votes" in whatever election that you have participated in. You can start gloating only when you have secure at least 21 million , 1 million short from Iran 's current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad . Malaysian politicians here are just too proud of anything and everything .
I speak for myself and not on behalf of anybody that I am ashamed to see all you people fighting like babies still suckling and holding on to your milk bottle .
What is all this nonsense of fighting to become "party president" of PPP when you have been sacked Mr Murugiah? Or fighting to merge and then not and then merge again and again between Umno and PAS ?, DAP and MCA always fighting other parties decisions which most of the time have nothing to do with them , why?! , Why is DAP asking PAS to reassess its position in the Pakatan Rakyat (press statement from Karpal Singh of course) when they happily tied mutual agreement of "working" together ? and PKR's president wanting Chin Peng to return to Malaysia because we are "communist-free" ( Chin Peng to spice things up in Malaysia I supposed ) ? MIC forever with their "great agenda" when they can't even settle their fantastic idea when it comes to MAICA Holdings.
These people should feel lucky that they are not facing what Ahmadinejad is facing after winning 22 million votes . From his victory , he was presented with more than 2,000 Iranians who have been terrorizing Iran's street burning and fighting with each other since the the time he was announced the winner and this is happening daily .
To all Malaysian politicians who have nothing to do but is in politics to ensure they are able to "earn" and generate more money for their offsprings and their many descendant in future to waste by entertaining themselves, please take two steps back to reassess yourselves . If you are able to endure tough time like Ahmadinejad , then by all means do it . But its better to shove your mouth with pacifier if you just can't carry out your duties. Honestly , winning a margin of 11,000 or 26,000 does not have any value and I am sick and tired of listening to all you cry babies whining about anything and everything. So much of your 1 Malaysia campaign
which non of you know what it means . All are so chicken to alter anything in the "perlembagaan" . Aren't you all scared to share your rights. Babies will be babies and they will never grow up .... Here's your milk bottle!