My boss asked me this and my 30 wishes are as per below :
30 things I want to achieve in life .
1.To be financially free of debt ; credit cards , bank loans
2.Achieve my target of having a better career advancement before I turn 40 .
3.Achieving a better salary that complement my career .
4.Make peace with myself
5.Providing better care for my family.
6.Providing better health care for my nephew Danviin and to ensure his needs is taken care of .
7.Buy a house for my family
8.Buy luxury car for my appa
9.Have good and healthy life when I am 60.
10.To be more positive and take things one step at a time .
11.Make peace with people around me and to accept their flaws
12.To stop being a procrastinator
13.Able to fight for my staffs benefit and also to ensure their career advancement
14.Read more books
15.To loose and achieve my ideal weight
16.To be acne free
17.To be able to say no to fatty and sinful food in order to achieve better weight and acne free skin .
18.Gain more knowledge
19.Be more organized
20.To be complaint free in life
21.To enroll in dance class
22.Learn how to swim
23.To be a writer
24.Have a big fat savings for security and health reason that will benefit my family in times of emergency.
25.Able to let my better half retire early and enjoy his life ;eg travelling
26.To be able to devote myself better to god.
27.To be able to give reasonable advice to others when asked .
28.Able to help the poor and the needy
29.To travel to different place , countries with my better half
30.Finally able to lead a peaceful and problem free life with my better half