Dear All ,
We are witness of the first 21st Century Pandemic -We are part of history now and oh how lucky we are ! ( not ) .
For those who still have no idea about swine flu , its best that you start "reading" .
So looks like this snorty thing have gone one notch up to Level 6 and just cant resist on being the headline over and over again . The last it made the news was a couple months back and also 41 years ago . Hogging the lime light from the new premier movie of Hannah Montana ( yes Amisha , we ARE going to see this movie tomorrow ) by reaching 74 countries worldwide and infecting about 29 , 000 people and still counting .
The last pandemic 1968 and 1969 was H3N2 viral strain which successfully killed at least one million people. Anyway lets just hope that non of us have to start wearing space suits and start living in confinement inside bubble ball .
Maybe , we should seriously start exploring the possibility of having a settlement on Mars