Somewhere far deep in the forbidden forest , the human race turned to desperate being . Relying on pure ego and ignorant to rule their territory , they lost their balance and focus .
As days goes by , they became more and more desperate to rule and conquer that they miss calculated their plans , their resources and most importantly forgot how to be human and treat other human with feelings and compassion.
Those small cluster of human race refused to admit their fault or even say sorry of the deed they did and became entirely scared and desperate .With more and more comrades decided to migrate to a more greener valley to achieve peace and happiness , the small clusters retained the worse , atrocious , tin canned brain soldiers . Those they have rejected before for treason , they have also decided to call back for duty and worse! , even those with certified record of mental illness . All the good ones are happy to leave and not bothered to leave a trail , especially when the trail is on a desert full of sand waiting its turn to be blown away by the wind.
When the Captain of the Small Cluster look at his mirror and started saying "Mirror Mirror On The Wall , who is the smartest of them all " .. the mirror answered differently this time and said "Over the Seven Jewelled Hills , Beyond the seventh falls you my master is the most desperate of them all and no longer the smartest " .
****************READ BETWEEN THE LINE********************