It sums up to only two words for those who have that thinking about me : SCARED & EGO .
Awwww.. look at them chickens, dont they look so small and tiny now ****points at you****.Pest!
Since talk about me is still around hanging on their head like a cloud just waiting to drop that heavy rain and lightning on their heads and the best part I can bet that they are now tuning in to this blog of mine , so let me just be straight out honest , clear and well.. blunt : The picture that represents this post today explains where I work - so there!! and **waves** to the scared & ego readers , its about time you realise that my life and what I do belongs to me ;) !
It will never belong to the scary cats, it will infact only kill them . They would rather concentrate on me rather than their work . haha , what a shame .*snap fingers* ***POOF*** you're deleted and withdraw outta my emotional bank . Thanks KK for lesson on emotional bank . Lotsa benefits :)
Only one advise : MOVE ON. Cause I did , and its the best decision I ever made leaving that energy sucking place . I know all my friends who did the same , feels the same .
To the scared and ego - Staaaayyy Tuneeee!! - now I feel like I have my own reality show : Keeping Up with B-HA .***thinks*** I wonder if I can get paid , maybe start charging those who wanna enter my blog .. whoa .. I'm a money making machine! **life's a bliss**