Finally!!!! At last I am able to "share" my new nephew to the wholeworld! After 1 week leave and deepavali and limited access to the net , I finally manage to load his beautiful pictures for all to see . Born 19th Oct at 7.51 am ( he was in a hurry to show himself to the world ) he presented himself to his panicked first-time dad early!. Everyone literally rushed back .. and when I say "literally" , thats exactly what my betterhalf and I did at 3.30 am after we got the news from the panicked dad that .. "water broke".. and we went "gasp!" .."KL ..here we come", although me being the driver stopped for awhile near behrang and trying to catch a quick nap for half an hour .. which didn't really happen .Thanks to the busy busses and lorries traveling and shaking the earth while they move.
All in all , all of us are estatic to receive this beautiful bundle of joy given by god to add to our family. At the moment , with us waiting impatiently to give him a legal name , I ( sorry marran and jo! ) have err.. given him hispet name as " Soya" . WHY?! well , his mum religiously drank soya the whole of nine months conceiving him and the time he was born , he was born covered with white substance..we suspect that he have been bundle and coated in soya. So! he came out fair!!!! scientifically proven, to get fair baby , drink soya!
Welcome Home Soya! and GOOD JOB mama soya and papa soya.