Today I discovered that most of the people I know and even my staffs don't know that "Buah Keranji" existed . Its called velvet tamarind and taste like tamarind of course .
However!, most know by heart the pantun below ;
Sorong papan tarik papan
Buah keranji di dalam perahu
Suruh makan dia makan
Suruh mengaji dia tak tahu
The "buah keranji" indicated in the pantun above IS THE BUAH KERANJI that all of you saw , tasted and ate today . There are lots more "weird" local fruits that have yet to be discovered by most of us , but for me , the reason I know must be related to my age ( wise owl ) .
For example : buah jentik , buah dabai , pulasan , buah salak and buah nona
And no...... apple and orange isnt local ok! Adi , thank you for "introducing" the fruit again to the youngsters . Hope you will bring more everytime you make a journey back to your home town!