Maybe its time to tell the whole world the truth and nothing but the truth . Imagine , a subordinate ( please check dictionary.com if this word is too foreign to comprehend ) . Its very simple , as human , when a person comes to you crying their eyes out , heart broken to "fake" million pieces as if its the end of the world , what would you do ? Or what would any sane human do ? listen right ? well , THATS what I did . And of course , since I dont interact with the other party , I would definitely listen to one side . Oh if you were in my shoes and listen to what this subordinate have to say , my god , its all about the ugly , maggot eating ugly heart of this subordinate's life partner and oh how the torture and torment this person had to go through. Needs not taken care of , this and that and *boom* drops in the "affair" issue - which I listened! god was I conned by this fraudster .
Days past , weeks pasts , months past and one day out of the blue , a phone call i received at night and was told by the none other than this particular subordinate that this human was placed at a psychiatric ward . Yes.. so stupidly , foolishly , ignorant imbecile of this human tried taking away his own life ? ( that explains the psychiatric ward ) . oh yes , I RECEIVED the call alright , and out of disbelief , I kept on asking why? why? why? . I was amaze , sympathetic - that to a point my head was still working left , right , centre to work out something to help this ungrateful idiot . Why the hell did I do all this , its simple , its MY staff and I help cause Im human :)
At least I have done my part to help a fellow human .. HOW ? damn good question - Increment , Position , Promotion and Extra Income . But what did I get ? This ungrateful low life animal born during the solar eclipse who chit chat all over using company resources which have excess all over company's server told all his friends about personal matters and end it by saying all because he listens to me ? MY GOD! and yes god is great , I saw the email . wow ( god will definitely let all false and bad things appear and show itself somehow ) .
Let me end this by letting this be final with this message = How in the world can I contribute to someone's personal problem when he is the one who printed in my head the ugly , maggot like vomit of his wife ?How can I be the cause of him trying to kill himself ? (*coward!*) How can I be the cause for him to temporarily split with his wife ? ( *vomit* I have better taste, and I my life partner is 100 times good looking! after all i dont go out without someone stupid and born without brain , I can only settle with someone intelligently stimulating and not a donkey as I cant stand nonsensical useless idiot who like to waste people's time )and all this because he CAME to me and told me and not me GOING to him , infact why should I ? So much of self pity as if he was born without hands and legs. I pity the wife for having to live with a psychopath who shares A LOT of ugly things about her with strangers by still claiming to love her ???. She must have gone through a hell lot of torture . Poor woman. If only she knows .
Anyhow , I have the right to defend myself and refused to be part of this immatured prejudice of a mental retard who cant even spell his own name right . I refused to be bullied for being soft hearted and BELIEVED everything.This is after all MY blog . Its MY word , its MY choice . Like I said , who cares a shit now . Learn . To all my other subordinate , I still love you all , we do have our differences when work is concern , but I will always help you , and I am sure I have in the past . I try to accomodate your needs , but please I am also human and to make me as a scapegoat for not being able to sort your personal issues ? Thats wayyyyyyyyy too much . Dont have a life partner if you cant even take care of yourself first. This is as realistic and as real as a bitch slap can be . Life's a bitch. As I always say , if you already put one leg into this , so why not walk through with two legs :) . Cowards don't deserved to be in this world . Be a man and not a Eunuch *snickers* .I hope everyone reads this and I know they will ..what a relief for me to detox all this in words and document it here on my blog forever! Yay!