Dear Swine Flu ,
Welcome to Malaysia . We hope you find comfort while you are exploring
our beautiful country .We understand that you had an excellent flight
from Newark , United States .
How's everything back home ? Weather cold as usual ?
No worries ! Malaysia IS the place for you since our hot and humid
weather will definitely help you explore more bodies to plant your seed in .
We understand that you are now residing at Sg Buloh Hospital , and hope
that, that will be your last stop before returning to the United States .
We hoped that you would be able to educate your friends on the importance of survival which I am sure you know very well what I mean. Since all of us are racing towards surviving , we hope you are able to put a word or two to your President that we here are a loving and law abiding citizen. Of course there hiccups here and there , but all Malaysians still deserve to live a very long time .Your presence here excites us and came through as a rather shocking visit , just as we all are still eagerly waiting for the day Obama would walk on Malaysian land or the day Dalai Lama or Pope would come and blessed us.
Hope we did not offend you during your stay , but all of us are rather careful especially when our encounter with you will definitely create a big impact and infact history in the making .We hope you see us as a friend rather than foe and we hate to offend you in any way .
Before you leave , we would like to present with a big bottle of our latest perfume called "A/New Jersey/76 (Hsw1N1) antigen (7) " in short it is popularly known as Détruisez La Grippe De Porcs.
This perfume is the latest craze worlwide and we really hope you can pass the word around and promote it :) .
We hope you had a pleasant stay here and Good Bye .