This is nothing new . Many a time I have vocally said that those with hijab are at times not portraying why they are in hijab . So if they decide to be in hijab , their characters and the main upholding of Islam need to be consistent to what they are following . The words and what they say should also not be of lies and that would hurt anyone. So again I stressed that before anyone judge that those not in hijab are of those condemned to "hell" as usually the so-called Islamic hijab bearing people tend to cast the judgement upon , please understand that actions of a person is also taken into consideration and I would want to stress this aswell ..the attire that one donned need to be in sync with their religious belief . Anyone can hate me after this statement that I have vocally point out , but as always the truth does hurt especially when you cant accept the fact.
Do enlightened me what I witness daily a tight legged pants and body hugging bearing tops that shows voluptous 360° image in more that 5 dimension with a finishing of an elegantly covered hijab just on top of ones breast and this full clothes kpopper covered from head to toe being hugged and kissed by k pop artists .. so which is better ?
Looks like both not upholding the Islamic teaching that they so much preached about .
Food for thought . Do ponder upon it.It may serve some truths in it .Maybe those who are not wearing their hijab are much better as at least they would take one step at a time learning the divinity of Islam rather than covering for sake of fashion sense since it HAS become a trend of some sort and a business persay with many artises covering then boom pop up the hijab businesses. At least those muslim without hijab are more gunuine and "real" and not having to lie their way .
By the way , netizen should stop blaming the kpop group about molesting the girls .. does the girls look as if they were crying for help ? They look happy and I wouldnt be surprised they would go home and and tell their other hijab wearing friends.."Omg !!He hugged me ..and from behind too ! and kiss my forehead!.. Im never gonna shower now! "