This whole week of mine was occupied with safety training . I was initially furious! when I saw my name in the list and even asked Vinesh and Thevan if I had done anything wrong to them that made them include my name in. Thinking of the hot sun and how black I will turn out to be after the training made me sooooooooooooooo angry .
However ! It all went the other way around! Having completed the training , I now realised how important firemen are to the community. Their equipments , clothes , gadgets are so heavy but they still have to drag that whole bunch of things when they work and that's not including the heavy hose ! The hose itself when it is dry weigh easily around 15-17kg and when wet , it shot up to weigh easily around 20 kg. Imagine all those weight WITHOUT the victims they had to rescue ! Double WOW!
The fire that they have to "tame" make their work even more complicated .So much of guts and so much of energy !
What a noble job! They save lives and sometimes sacrifices their own lives.
Please people , do remember that they are not around just to be available when you call them up to chase snakes ya , there are bigger things than that and that is making sure people live :). Infact , I honestly feel that they are much more better than police anytime !
Tabik Tuan!