Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pining Over A Missing Piece Of Puzzle

I can't sleep . I feel so sad . If I feel sad , baby must have felt worse :(. Whether its just an SMS , it is still from Appa wishing happy birthday . Amma couldn't take the pain just now , just when the clock struck 12 and the date changed to 29th July , She had her 'silent' cry and couldnt even bring herself to wish him happy birthday .The sadness of knowing that her beloved husband isn't around to wish her handsome son happy birthday like he normally have. I truly understand the feeling .While blogging this , I felt a slight choke trying to not cry while my baby sleep beside me . It's his birthday , but the best ever gift that he would love was to have Appa around,even when Appa was sick , at least he was around .

They say time will heal , but why are my tears falling to my cheek now ? :( .To console myself everyday I am reminding that he is no longer in pain, but that's not working ... Dear Appa , if you happen to see us today , if you happen to watch over us today , do know that your children pines for you. Please bless your son on his birthday .Please watch over him ..


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby 29072012

My Baby's birthday is tomorrow and I'm waiting for him to come home to give him his gift today , a few hours early than his actual birthday which falls on the 29th .

A simple gift from me and it's hidden inside the card *see the green thingy slightly showing out?* .

Happy Birthday Baby , I love you very much . I'm sure father is wishing you all the health and happiness , wherever he is ...he loves you.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Flower Power

No one get as much flowers like I do even on normal days :)



Pink Always Make Me Happy :)


Target Practice :)


How was your day today?


Friday, July 13, 2012

Safety Training!

This whole week of mine was occupied with safety training . I was initially furious! when I saw my name in the list and even asked Vinesh and Thevan if I had done anything wrong to them that made them include my name in. Thinking of the hot sun and how black I will turn out to be after the training made me sooooooooooooooo angry .

However ! It all went the other way around! Having completed the training , I now realised how important firemen are to the community. Their equipments , clothes , gadgets are so heavy but they still have to drag that whole bunch of things when they work and that's not including the heavy hose ! The hose itself when it is dry weigh easily around 15-17kg and when wet , it shot up to weigh easily around 20 kg. Imagine all those weight WITHOUT the victims they had to rescue ! Double WOW!

The fire that they have to "tame" make their work even more complicated .So much of guts and so much of energy !

What a noble job! They save lives and sometimes sacrifices their own lives.

Please people , do remember that they are not around just to be available when you call them up to chase snakes ya , there are bigger things than that and that is making sure people live :). Infact , I honestly feel that they are much more better than police anytime !

Tabik Tuan!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Picture Perfect Moment


This picture perfect moment captured made me cry today :(. How I wish I could turn back time :( .I wish I knew where he is now , if he is looking down at us ....this sadness is beyond belief .

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Marran 10072012

Happy Birthday !! Many happy returns of the day . BABA bless you :)