Phew!!! What a hectic day!!!Hectic , but every hour are utilised beautifully and work done ! No pending! no carry forwards , no procrastinating of work! Yay!! Looks like I still have it in me . The feeling of completing a task is hell of a great feeling especially when the datas that you did are presented to the management and most importantly , the message is clear which is also THE data that will decide for my over 40 odd staffs future like MORE INCENTIVE *wink*. Data , data , data , it couldn't be more accurate than to have this reporting that verbalised the message clearly in its own way through facts, figures and numbers .
I still have it !! and I'm just damn glad that I am not rusty ..lol at least not yet since I'm counting the days to turn 34 soon lol ! I may be old but I still got the talent ! woohooo !