Work , work , work are about the 90% of my explanation for me lapsing in writing .
I hope I will be able to frequently return to one of my passion in life - writing - genetically , deep down I know where I got this from .
It does help me in expressing myself , if not all , but at least some are told , documented , release and of course it makes my heart feel less heavy . Yes , I've got my very own blog shops . More like the reason why is the question of its birth ... I've bump into this "wonderful world of online shopping" and being a consumer , I thought , what the hell,, lets try . It did give me some result . i actually have clients virtually . it was a sense of achievement , and it made me gloat about it to myself on what i am able to do .
Work wise have been literally a battle field . A kamikaze scenario of war which just explodes on your face at every inch of a teeny tiny available space. I am up for it . In fact during the meeting with my boss and colleagues- we actually verbalize - DO OR DIE . That's what we are doing .. I know for a fact , that's what I am doing .
Saving my Company's face value is beginning to be a part of my priority , besides keeping and fighting for each good staffs I have . I would rather get my ass kicked than see my staffs asses get kicked around . However , no matter how much you put your time in it or even fight for their rights , you will never be remembered or even acknowledged . There will always be a blind spot somewhere or rather hiding all the truth that they are supposed to register in their thick skull . Of course , certain sacrifices need to take place to save the majority - that's how life is - the concept of survival of the fetus will always apply .
All in all, those who perceive me as a threat , I wish them well as the actual fact are the total opposite. but it is fine - I forgive them for their ignorance of understanding how the real works. maturity only kicks in for some a little bit later in life I supposed.
It is OK - I know this period will pass . I dont owe anyone anything , much more the explanation of how the world works . If they want to know , they could ask , thats why all of us were given brains to
think and to differentiate between the logic and the crap , the good and the bad , the truth and the lies. Human dons many types of mask and once things happen , each layer of mask peels off and show its true features .
At this moment I feel that I am the curtain wall http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtain_wall_(fortification) and the moat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moat protecting both my staffs and the Company. Should I fall , then it is meant to be - fated. but its OK as long as I never did give up from the start till the end . As much as it saddens me deeply and effected me emotionally with the turbulence that I am facing daily without fail now , I take it as a challenge . I just hope I managed to separate it from my personal life and not let it affect me - now THAT is the real challenge .
Baba will bless me .