Anyone watched Chicken Little movie before? The fear did happen here in my office. The ceilings fell with the weight of water pushing the ceilings through and straight on the floor .
Immediately , beelines was formed to start pushing out all the water and to throw it outside .
Thank god the ceiling did not fall on any of my staffs but instead attacked the Sales Dept , Yoga and Nor Arina's place . They were safe , just in a nick of time because they suddenly saw water flowing down on top of them like waterfall and then BAM! the sky fell .
We were out of electricity for half a day , but business still runs as usual . All of us now are officially the rainy season victims being hit by falling ceilings and floods everywhere across a few departments . If this happens again and worse than today, we might be place at Assunta School as flood relief victims .....If this happens yesterday , all of us might come to work just to find all our CPUs and Monitors floating everywhere . An interesting sight of course with the cost of all the datas being totally wiped out .