From the time we parked the car , there seemed to be one too many "blacks" in town . Before I proceed with my story , allow me to use the word "black" instead of the "N" word - which can be deemed as racist . Whatever it is , since it was the Hari Raya long weekend leave , I didnt realise that the long long leave calls for foreigners to move and hunt in flocks and for some reason saw them as "owning" the place .
Honestly , these blacks are not the drop dead gorgeous Beyonce' or Sean Paul lookalike . They look very horrifying . Talking so loud and are just around everywhere inhabiting Sunway Pyramid at night. They look like bats with fangs . The women look like big black horse with breast hanging up the their knees . Ugh ! and they smell like yesterdays wet cloths *vomit* .
They might be students , but they look like they are just wayyyyyyy to rich to be one . Splashing money here and there and drive in big cars and some even walking about with their dreadlock hair while holding liquor bottles.
This place , Sunway, is surely not a safe place to walk alone with these creatures around . They look like they can snap you into two anytime and all those "ya man" talk make them sound like a pimp and drugpusher while being drunk.
Not sure what Malaysia have plan when it comes to this dangerous inhabitant.
Looks like the government have not learn the tragedy when there were too many Bangladeshi's around that it took a toll on all the girls staying in Shah Alam when some have been gang raped .
Maybe thats what they are waiting for , for tragedy to happen . And oh the idiots have no matters but to park their food on people's car - fools without manners .