As annoying as the name , it annoyingly attacks the whole world.
Its exactly like a stray dog pushing its way through our gates trying to
get comfortable in our very own comfort zone.
Swine should be pronounced phonetically as /swaɪn/ - (yes i did learn phonetics during my uni days , i dont even know how I manage to get through that class - teacher was so boring !)
From the dictionary it is translated as "any stout, cloven-hoofed artiodactyl of the Old World family Suidae, having a thick hide sparsely covered with coarse hair, a disklike snout, and an often short, tasseled tail: now of worldwide distribution and hunted or raised for its meat and other products. Compare hog, pig, wild boar. " Ugh! reading the meaning itself makes me sick to my stomach :( , although I do eat pork and I have nothing to hide about that .
Unconciously I also check of the symtoms and how it could spread . But so far , by eating pork does not make you a victim of this deadly virus. ( thank god! )
My concern are :
1. 159 people have already lost their lives within 3 days ! Looking at the rate , this could
mean doomsday .
2. Proper vaccine can only be produced in 6 months ! whats going to happen within 6
months ???? half of south america gone ? ( just imagine watching Will Smith's movie
`I Am Legend' - scary!! )
3.Countries affected to date : Mexico , USA , Britain , Spain , Germany , Canada , New Zealand ,
Costa Rica and Israel - Nine countries less than a week ?? Who can stop air (ever)
from moving , unless all of us are Autobots and Decepticons from
Transformers . ( yeah right !) .
WHO ( World Health Organisation) have set alert levels which I feel we should know just in case Malaysia starts announcing : "Level 1! , Level 2! "
Level 1 no viruses among animals reported to have caused infections in humans.
Level 2 animal flu virus is known to have caused infection in humans and is potential pandemic threat.
Level 3, animal or human-animal flu virus has caused small number of cases in people, but not sufficient for community-level outbreaks.
Level 4 is characterized by verified human-to-human transmission of animal or human-animal flu virus, indicating greater but not inevitable risk of pandemic.
Level 5 means human-to-human spread of virus is confirmed in two countries in one WHO region and pandemic is feared imminent.
Level 6 characterized by community-level outbreaks in at least one other country in second WHO region. This phase indicates global pandemic is under way.
So what is our next action or prevention measure for this swine flu ? Honestly I myself
have not done anything . My only concern is that this virus will infect my love ones .
As ugly as the name of the virus and the fact that I do at some point use it to describe those that I dislike (What does that swine think of himself! ) , this virus is deadly . Lets pray it will stop fast . As fast as a lightning and yes I am scared : /
Its exactly like a stray dog pushing its way through our gates trying to
get comfortable in our very own comfort zone.
Swine should be pronounced phonetically as /swaɪn/ - (yes i did learn phonetics during my uni days , i dont even know how I manage to get through that class - teacher was so boring !)
From the dictionary it is translated as "any stout, cloven-hoofed artiodactyl of the Old World family Suidae, having a thick hide sparsely covered with coarse hair, a disklike snout, and an often short, tasseled tail: now of worldwide distribution and hunted or raised for its meat and other products. Compare hog, pig, wild boar. " Ugh! reading the meaning itself makes me sick to my stomach :( , although I do eat pork and I have nothing to hide about that .
Unconciously I also check of the symtoms and how it could spread . But so far , by eating pork does not make you a victim of this deadly virus. ( thank god! )
My concern are :
1. 159 people have already lost their lives within 3 days ! Looking at the rate , this could
mean doomsday .
2. Proper vaccine can only be produced in 6 months ! whats going to happen within 6
months ???? half of south america gone ? ( just imagine watching Will Smith's movie
`I Am Legend' - scary!! )
3.Countries affected to date : Mexico , USA , Britain , Spain , Germany , Canada , New Zealand ,
Costa Rica and Israel - Nine countries less than a week ?? Who can stop air (ever)
from moving , unless all of us are Autobots and Decepticons from
Transformers . ( yeah right !) .
WHO ( World Health Organisation) have set alert levels which I feel we should know just in case Malaysia starts announcing : "Level 1! , Level 2! "
Level 1 no viruses among animals reported to have caused infections in humans.
Level 2 animal flu virus is known to have caused infection in humans and is potential pandemic threat.
Level 3, animal or human-animal flu virus has caused small number of cases in people, but not sufficient for community-level outbreaks.
Level 4 is characterized by verified human-to-human transmission of animal or human-animal flu virus, indicating greater but not inevitable risk of pandemic.
Level 5 means human-to-human spread of virus is confirmed in two countries in one WHO region and pandemic is feared imminent.
Level 6 characterized by community-level outbreaks in at least one other country in second WHO region. This phase indicates global pandemic is under way.
So what is our next action or prevention measure for this swine flu ? Honestly I myself
have not done anything . My only concern is that this virus will infect my love ones .
As ugly as the name of the virus and the fact that I do at some point use it to describe those that I dislike (What does that swine think of himself! ) , this virus is deadly . Lets pray it will stop fast . As fast as a lightning and yes I am scared : /